TXU Cash Rewards Program – Not As Good As It Seems

by · January 27, 2013

TXU’s new television promotion focuses on the TXU Cash Rewards program.   As with many of TXU’s promotions there are problems with the Cash Rewards program.  The commercial promises up to 5% cash back but the catch is that the 5% rebate is only applicable in the 3rd year of a three year contract.  To start out the amount is only 3%.

Another problem is that the rates are so much higher than other electricity providers that the 5% cash back doesn’t really mean much.  Expect to pay 35% or more higher electricity rates for the privilege of getting the small rebate once a year.

This article goes in to detail about the promotion does the math and shows how it is really not as good a deal as it sounds like.


Read More: TXU Cash Rewards

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